dDeCaelo Foundation

Everyone wants to be happy. Everyone wants to have a happy family, but life doesn’t always turn out the way we planned.

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We at dDeCaelo believe in uplifting those most in need. While our primary focus is on supporting better health, our heart’s focus is on helping single moms everywhere to increase their ability to independently support themselves and their children.

It’s hard being a single parent. Many have experienced this in their lifetime, and some still do. Imagine for just a moment, how it would be to have a husband abandon his family, to go through a divorce, to become a widow, or to have an uninvolved partner.

The reasons are many, and the difficulties are not few. How will I make the house payment? I don’t have enough money to feed my family after today.

My child needs shoes and there is no money left to buy them. Doctor and dentist appointments must be canceled because we just don’t have the money, and basic survival becomes the primary focus.

Living this way brings on a myriad of emotions. Guilt, fear, and anxiety are at the top of the list. Many end up losing faith and sink into deep depression.

dDeCaelo’s goal is to create a platform that will give women training and resources to overcome these difficulties…to help families regain their faith and to succeed despite the obstacles before them. Having a helping hand, along with faith for a better future for us and for our children is, after all, what we ultimately hope for.

Our Origin Story

Welcome to dDeCaelo LLC, a company born from personal experiences and driven by a deep commitment to making a difference, particularly for mothers. I am Dr. Candy Lau, the proud founder and CEO of dDeCaelo LLC. Join me on a heartfelt journey of resilience, transformation, and empowering the lives of mothers.

At the tender age of seven, I faced a profound loss when my beloved father passed away, leaving my single mother to raise my siblings and me. The weight of grief and the challenges of single parenthood were tremendous, navigating a world where educational opportunities seemed out of reach. My mother's tireless work ethic and unwavering love became my guiding light.

Inspired by the transformative power of education and my mother's unwavering spirit, I established dDeCaelo LLC. Our mission is to provide exceptional products/services that meet the unique needs of mothers and contribute to a greater purpose. We are dedicated to using our platform to create positive change, empowering mothers and fostering their success.

In addition to dDeCaelo LLC, I founded the dDeCaelo Foundation—a beacon of hope that specifically supports and uplifts mothers. Through the foundation, we strive to provide educational opportunities, resources, and support to mothers facing adversity. We believe that empowering mothers has a ripple effect, positively impacting their families, communities, and the world.

Together, we can turn dreams into reality for mothers everywhere. Your support and partnership are integral to our collective efforts. Join us on this extraordinary journey, forging ahead to create a world where mothers are empowered, resilient, and thriving.

Thank you for being part of our mission. Let's unite in our pursuit of a brighter future for mothers.

Dr. Candy Lau

Founder and CEO of Company

Single Mom Services

We at dDeCaelo want to offer our services to help single moms as best we can. Click on a free service option below to see how you can get involved!

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